Other reviews, commentaries and reports:
Stephen Reese, “The challenge of pro-democracy journalism,” Commentary contributed to US Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign (early reflections from leading academics), November 2024, Edited by: Daniel Jackson, Andrea Carson, Danielle Coombs, Stephanie Edgerly, Einar Thorsen, Filippo Trevisan & Scott Wright. Produced by Center for the study of Journalism, Culture & the Community, Bournemouth University, UK. https://www.electionanalysis.ws/us/
Patrick Ferrucci & Scott Eldridge (Eds.). Institutions changing journalism: Barbarians inside the gate. Routledge. (invited book review) International journal of press/politics 1-3 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1177/19401612231191028
Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson & Wilbur Schramm, Four theories of the press (Invited book review for the 100th anniversary of the journal). Journalism & mass communication quarterly. (2024)
Stephen Reese, “Reflections on my late arrival to China,” November 2021. Preface to issue of Global journal of media studies, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
Andrea Grisold & Paschal Preston (eds.), Economic inequality and news media: Discourse, power and redistribution. Oxford University Press (book review). International Journal of Press/Politics. (27:1 (2021). doi.org/10.1177/19401612211054837
Yuan Zeng, Reporting China: Habitus and prisms of China correspondents (book review) Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism 0:0 (2020). Doi. 10.1177/1464884920923877
Stephen Reese, “Trump’s tribal appeal: Us vs. Them,” Commentary contributed to US Election Analysis 2020: Media, Voters and the Campaign (early reflections from leading academics), November 2020, Edited by: Daniel Jackson, Danielle Coombs, Filippo Trevisan, Darren Lilleker, and Einar Thorsen, Produced by Center for the study of Journalism, Culture & the Community, Bournemouth University, UK. https://www.electionanalysis.ws/us/
Stephen Reese, “Ambiguous loss in an academic career: A note to my young(er) colleagues.” July 24, 2020. https://medium.com/@sdreese/ambiguous-loss-in-an-academic-career-a-note-to-my-young-er-colleagues-e733037e49c4
Ingrid Volkmer, The global public sphere: Public communication in the age of reflective interdependence (book review) Journal of Communication 67:1, pp. e4-36 (2017). doi.org/10.1111/jcom.12278
Stephen Reese, “Trump’s Global War on Terror.” Commentary contributed to US Election Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign (early reflections from leading academics), November 2016, Edited by: Darren Lilleker, Daniel Jackson, Einar Thorsen and Anastasia Veneti, Produced by Center for the study of Journalism, Culture & the Community, Bournemouth University, UK. http://www.electionanalysis2016.us/
Stephen Reese, “Una historia “clasificada,” (A classified history) Review essay requested by El Pais (Spain) on the 5th anniversary of WikiLeaks “Cablegate,” November 26, 2015. http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2015/11/26/actualidad/1448549462_533402.html
Stephen Reese, “Networked China: New forms of civic engagement,” China Policy Institute Blog, University of Nottingham (UK), November 12, 2014. http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/chinapolicyinstitute/2014/11/12/networked-china-new-forms-of-civic-engagement/
Stephen Reese, “When productivity becomes hyperactivity.” Inside Higher Education, March 14, 2014. https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2014/03/14/cautionary-words-about-academic-productivity-and-problem-hyperactivity-essay
Stephen Reese, “Who put the watchdog to sleep?” Zocalo Public Square, online ideas exchange affiliated with Arizona State, September 27, 2012. http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2012/09/27/oops-we-put-the-watchdog-to-sleep/ideas/up-for-discussion/
Stephen Reese, “Sociology of News,” overview of research area prepared for publication project, AEJMC/ASNE, http://asne.org/article_view/articleid/822/default.aspx (June 23, 2010).
Natalie Jomini Stroud and Stephen Reese, “Objectivity & Balance: How Do Readers and Viewers of News and Information Reach Conclusions Regarding Objectivity and Balance?” White Paper report commissioned through competitive grant by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, July 2008.
David Weaver, David H. Weaver, Randal A. Beam, Bonnie J. Brownlee, Paul S. Voakes and G. Cleveland Wilhoit, The American Journalist in the 21st Century: U.S. News People at the Dawn of a New Millennium (book review) Political Communication 24:4, 459–461 (2007).
Stephen Reese, “Living up to Wilbur Schramm’s vision,” Invited symposium contribution, “Journalism and mass communication at the crossroads,” Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 56(3) pp. 4-27 (2001).
Stephen Reese, “News Production Theories,” Encyclopedia of Communication and Information (Jorge Reina Schement, ed.) New York: Macmillan (2002).
Stephen Reese, “Visions of Mass Media Education,” in Tom Dickson’s Mass Media Education in Transition: Preparing for the 21st Century. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum. Pp. 211-214 (2000).
Gideon Forsberg, Critical Thinking in an Image World: Alfred Korzybski's Theoretical Principles Extended to Critical Television Evaluation, (book review) Journalism Quarterly, 71:3 (Autumn 1994).
Mark Hertsgaard, On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency, (book review) Journalism Quarterly, 66:1 (Spring, 1989).
Gwenda Blair, Almost Golden: Jessica Savitch and the Selling of Television News. Christine Craft, Too Old, Too Ugly, And Not Deferential to Men, (book review) Journalism Quarterly, 65:3 (Autumn, 1988).
MaxThink, outline processor (software review) Journalism Quarterly, 65:2 (Summer, 1988).
Pamela Shoemaker, Stephen Reese and Wayne Danielson, Media in Ethnic Context: Language and Communication in Texas, Department of Journalism book-length report, University of Texas, 1985.
Bradley Greenberg, Michael Burgoon, Judee Burgoon, Felipe Korzenny, Mexican-Americans and the Mass Media, (book review) Journalism Quarterly, 61:3:705-706 (Autumn 1984).